Privacy Policy


Who we are?

We are Nock Deighton (Registered Company No 6589318 Registered Office, 34-35 Old Smithfield, Whitburn St, Bridgnorth WV16 4QN), trading as Nock Deighton. 

Nock Deighton is the Data Controller in respect of your personal information and is responsible for ensuring that the information we collect is processed in accordance with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

How do we collect information from you?

We collect information from you when you visit the Salthouse Rise, Nock Deighton website also when you contact us in writing, speak to us on the phone, by email or any other type of electronic communication, or talk to us face to face.

What types of information do we collect from you?

We collect different categories of information about you, depending on the products and services you want from us and/or the reason why we need to process information relating to you. This could be personal information (for example your name and address), or other more sensitive data that we would only collect and use in very particular circumstances that are set out in law.

How is your information used?

We may use your information:

Who has access to your information?

We may share your information with the following third parties for the reasons detailed; Ling Homes 

If we enter into a joint venture with or merge with a business entity, your information may be disclosed to our new business partner.

Third parties which provide services for us where necessary for the delivery of our services, for example:

We will not sell or rent your information to third parties.

What are your rights in relation the personal data we process?

You have the right to:

How long will we keep your information for?

We will keep your personal information for as long as we need it to provide the services and products you request from us. We may also keep it to comply with our legal obligations, to resolve complaints and to enforce our rights. As a result, the length of time we keep your information will vary depending on the purposes which we have it. We will always comply with Data Protection legislation in regard to how long we keep your data.

What security precautions in place to protect the loss, misuse or alteration of your information?

We are strongly committed to data security and will take reasonable and appropriate steps to protect your personal information from unauthorised access, loss, misuse, alteration or corruption. However, we cannot guarantee the security of any information you transmit to us. We recommend that you take every precaution to protect your personal information.

Keeping your data up to date

We want to ensure any information we hold is accurate. You can help us by promptly informing us of any changes to the information we hold about you.

Cookies & IP addresses

What are Cookies and why are they used?

Information regarding your use of the site, including when you access the site, which part of the site you access most often and the developments and properties that you view on the site or save. This information is collected by actively tracking your browsing activity and collected through the use of cookies. Cookies are small text files which identify your computer to our servers. They are used to improve the user experience and enhance our service offer to you.

Links to other sites

In Governing the use of data in web browsing activity, this privacy policy relates specifically to the use of this site only and does not extend to your use of, provision of data and collection of data on any site not connected to us which you may access by following a hyperlink within the site.

If you follow a link to any other website, they should have available their own privacy policy, we do not accept responsibility or liability for their operation or misuse of your data.


If you would like to make a complaint regarding the use of your personal data you can contact our Company Secretary;

By email: [email protected]

For independent advice about data protection, privacy and data sharing issues, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO):

By Post: Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

By phone: 0303 123 1113 {local rate) or 01625 545 745 if you prefer to use a national rate number.

Alternatively, visit or email [email protected]

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